I hope you have all had a safe and wonderful Christmas!
Mine has been full of family, cooking and craft. We had lovely warm weather and no rain which was wonderful!
Christmas lunch was at my house this year. We started with 12 guests, by christmas day I had accumulated 21.
The more the merrier, I tend to over cater, we could have fed another 10!
I will slowly get my photo's up, my mum took a lot so I will have to wrangle her sim card.
This year my sister and I decided that roast food and Australian Christmas don't really match. I'm not the biggest fan of roast meats and I decided that spending two days preparing and cooking food that I didn't love was not going to fly.
After a few wines and some home made burritos we decided Mexican themed Christmas was the plan!
I purchased a great book and everything we cooked was fantastic, fresh and delicious.
You might guess from the poorly inscribed photo I got a Bamboo tablet from my dad! Thanks!
It was on my list and we have a kk system in our immediate family as we all have everything we need and christmas was getting a bit excessive, so between my parents, my sister, her husband, Alex and I we all get a name picked out of the hat and you get one gift for that person! Much easier and you can put more though into it rather than trying to find something for everyone.
Simone xoxo