Thursday, March 22, 2012

Miike Snow

Today was an intense day at work, stress levels were high, sleep levels low and a massive planning day. As I staggered bleary eyed in to work ridiculously early (7:30, early for me!) I decided that I needed a bubble of goodness to get me through!

So I downloaded the new Miike Snow Album Happy to you and put my pretty white earphones on. I wear my big ones like a freestyler at work much to the baby boomers amusement! When I wear earbuds no one notices and thinks i'm just ignoring them.

via Stoney Roads

I lifted my spirits and made it through with no tears (unlike some of my co workers). With a big pot of green tea I was completely chilled and may have been described a vague which in a day of craziness I took as a complement!

When i got home, I popped it on again except out loud, had a dance and air drum solo, chopped some vegetables and made a massive pot of soup! Had a big walk and now im ready for a bit of trashy TV!

I hope everyone else is chilled out, if not, a bit of Miike may make you smile!

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